
“Calming the Squall”, a Diocesan Climate Gathering, will be held at St Luke’s Glenrothes (Ninian Quadrant, Glenrothes, KY7 4HP) from 10.00am to 4.00pm on Saturday 29 April. This gathering is to receive and share practical help and information to navigate Net Zero for all congregations. There will be a plenary session, workshops and stalls addressing practical Net Zero implications and inspired by Mark 4.35–41. Tea and coffee will be provided: bring your own lunch or buy it at the nearby Kingdom Centre. Share in closing worship. For further information contact Gerry Dillon.

As it says on the Diocesan website: “The United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG), as part of this year’s Lent Appeal, encourages us to acknowledge that our neighbours are not just those in our hometowns. Your neighbour is the person that God calls you to love despite your differences. We pray with our Church partners around the world and stand with their mission to support vulnerable people in their local communities. Please join the global Anglican church in transforming lives.

“This year we stand with and pray for our neighbours in Tanzania and Sri Lanka:

  • The Church of Tanzania’s Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV programme

In the Chamwino district of Tanzania almost all women of reproductive age were afraid to go into hospitals. The Church of Tanzania’s prevention programme provides both the practical and medical support needed to prevent the virus being passed on from mothers to their children. Thanks to this programme, babies are being born HIV free, breaking the chain of infection.

  • The Church of Ceylon’s response to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is undergoing its worst economic crisis since the country’s independence in 1948. The soaring cost of living caused by food and fuel shortages has caused power cuts, a lack of medicines and the near collapse of the health system in the country.

“Further information on these important programmes and an accompanying Lenten Study Course Who is Our Neighbour?can be downloaded here.

“We have the opportunity, through this appeal, to help the USPG fund the work of our partner churches there and their life-changing programmes.”

St Margaret’s will again be supporting the appeal, and an open-plate collection will be taken on Palm Sunday and Maundy Thursday.

Everyone will be welcome at the next meeting of the St Andrews West Area Council, which will be held in St Peter’s, Kirkcaldy on Tuesday 21 February at 7.30pm. The guest speaker is Carol Morton (a member of St Peter’s) and her talk will cover Palestinian Christians Cry for Hope, Sabeel-Kairos UK, the hoped-for movement within SEC dioceses, her 9½ years in Jerusalem and the work there, as well as her current service with the Hadeel Palestinian Fair Trade shop in Edinburgh.

“The Angels of Christmas” is a series of Advent Bible Studies on Zoom led by Rev Eddie Sykes on Thursdays in December. Each Zoom meeting starts at 10:00am – note that this is slightly earlier than previous studies – and will finish shortly after 11:00am. If you haven’t received the meeting details direct, please email Eddie at for an access code.

This study is based on the book ‘The Angels of Christmas – Hearing God’s Voice in Advent’ by Susan Robb, published by Abingdon Press only two months ago (ISBN: 978-1791024253). The topics for the sessions are:

1 December – Standing in the Presence of God
Gabriel and Zechariah – Luke 1:5–25

8 December – Let it Be
Gabriel and Mary – Luke 1:26-38

15 December – Acting on the Unbelievable
The Angel of the Lord and Joseph – Matthew 1:18–25

22 December – Hark the Herald Angels Sing
The Angels and the Shepherds – Luke 2:1–14

Announcement on the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Fourteen church leaders who make up the Scottish Church Leaders’ Forum have issued a statement on the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

The signatories, who include Bishop Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Rev. Mark Slaney, District Chair, Methodist Church (Scotland), said:

“We join with the Nation in offering our thanks to God for the life of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and for her faithful service as Sovereign throughout these last 70 years.

“We give thanks for her evident Christian faith and recall that in her first Christmas broadcast as Queen in 1952 she asked us to pray for her ‘that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises that I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.’

“In her faithful service of God and of the Nation she has surely fulfilled the promises that she made.

“We join with people of good faith everywhere in offering our prayers for His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family at this time.”

This announcement was carried on our home page during the period of national mourning.

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Coming up …
  • 16 March 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 16 March 2025
    11:00 am Morning Worship
  • 23 March 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 23 March 2025
    11:00 am Morning Worship

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