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A very warm welcome to our Sung Eucharist at 9.30am on
9 February when we are keeping Sea Sunday for 2025. The celebrant is the Revd Canon Richard Grosse and our guest preacher is Mr Jeremy Hawkins, Chair, Mission to Seafarers, Scotland.
There will be be a retiring collection to MtS Scotland.
Welcome to St Margaret’s, Rosyth. We are part of the Scottish Episcopal Church, which shares a long history of Christian worship from the beginnings of Christianity in Scotland, and which is part of the world-wide family of churches that make up the Anglican Communion. Our present church was formed in January 1996 from the congregation of St Margaret’s Anglican Church, when the Royal Navy withdrew from Rosyth and we were invited to worship in Rosyth Methodist Church, with whom we are in a Local Ecumenical Partnership (follow the link to “Our partners”).
At St Margaret’s we are a friendly and caring congregation, and the vigour of our hymn-singing belies our small numbers. We are aware that ours is a living tradition continually moving forward, and we are looking for you to join us and play a part. There is a place for everyone and we would like people of all ages to feel part of our Sunday worship. Our main form of worship is Holy Communion using the 1982 ‘Blue Book’ Scottish Liturgy, sung to a setting appropriate to the season. Our aim is to ensure you quickly feel at home but also find sufficient challenges to move forwards in your spiritual life.
For details of what’s on, click this link, or use the “What’s on” tab. You’ll find us in Queensferry Road at the junction with Woodside Avenue, and 5 minutes walk from Rosyth Station. More details at the “Where we are” tab. We welcome everyone: we have a loop system for your hearing aid, access for buggies and wheelchairs, disabled toilets, and large print versions of the liturgy books.