This happy picture was taken after the end of the service on 18 November at which the Revd Dr Michael Paterson (right) was duly licensed as Priest-in-Charge of the Scottish Episcopal Church of St Margaret, Rosyth by the Right Revd Ian Paton, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane (left).

There was some formality – you can’t escape having the Very Revd Graham Taylor, in his role as Dean, read the words of the Licence – and much symbolism, in the presentations made to Michael of an icon of Christ, a Bible, holy oil, the bread and wine of communion, and the church keys. But above all, there was much joy at welcoming our new priest, much hearty offering of praise in music, and much unity on display, with representatives from our Methodist partners and other local churches as well as the wider Episcopal community.

There was also much challenge in what Bishop Ian had to say in both sermon and prayers. He ended his sermon, centred on the Gospel reading of three parables of the kingdom, by reading R S Thomas’s “The Bright Field” and reminding us of the need to give all that we have to possess that pearl of great price. Highly appropriate for a congregation whose patron is St Margaret, when we remember that her name derives from the Greek μαργαρίτης … pearl!

Thanks to David Salthouse, the service was recorded, so you can hear Bishop Ian’s words in full through the media player below.

Coming up …
  • 1 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 1 September 2024
    11:00 am Morning Worship
  • 8 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 8 September 2024
    11:00 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
  • 15 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist

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