Even though the pandemic is not over (sadly), we at Rosyth are beginning to emerge out of the restrictions that Covid presented us with. Until recently the building has been used sparingly in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. Now, in order to get the building more user-ready, you are invited to lend a hand to do an “All Church Autumn Clean“ on the morning of Saturday 9 October from 9:00am until about 12:30pm. Hopefully many hands will make light work.
As well as cleaning/tidying the rooms, it is important that all kitchen items and facilities in particular are thoroughly cleaned, in the hope that soon we may be able to resume refreshments following services. We will also look at how much equipment/stuff we have and decide what we need to keep and what can be recycled elsewhere.
Even though we will need to keep our masks on, we hope that you will be able to help, and will enjoy the fellowship as you do so. Come as soon as you can (before 11:45am!) and help for as long as you are able. So the Property Committee can plan and allocate the work, please email Eddie at minister@rosythmethodist.org.uk ASAP to let him know when on the day you’ll be available.