The Fife Pilgrim Way follows one of the ancient routes from Culross where the Abbey was founded, via Dunfermline Abbey and onwards through Fife to St Andrews. As a church on the route, Holy Trinity, Dunfermline is aiming to complete the first of the seven parts of the route on Sunday 26 June, starting at Culross at 2:00pm. Whilst some will walk the whole route, others will join along the way, with designated joining points at Torryburn, Cairneyhill and as we arrive into Dunfermline.

The day is open to anyone of any age, and dogs will be welcome too. The event is being organised by the young people, but you don’t have to be young, or even particularly fit – there are no hills! Once back at Holy Trinity (at around 7:30pm) there will be refreshments and a short service in the church. Sign up now to take on part or all of this challenge – details at this link.

Coming up …
  • 1 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 1 September 2024
    11:00 am Morning Worship
  • 8 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 8 September 2024
    11:00 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
  • 15 September 2024
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist

More details at this link


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0930 Sung Eucharist
1100 Methodist Worship

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