
Away with gloom, away with doubt!
With all the morning stars we sing.

Edward Sillitoe’s hymn may not be part of the Christmas repertoire, but it was how we all felt after our carol service on Sunday. Health concerns and disruption to travel plans meant some couldn’t join us, but still there were 40 in the church to celebrate Emmanuel’s coming.

As always, the members of our local ecumenical partnership rose to the occasion, and offered enthusiastic and thoughtful worship in our traditional Advent 4 way. Yes, we missed the processing, and the tea/coffee and mince pies afterwards, but we had all the other elements of organ, choir, readings and congregational singing. Not only did we keep the tradition alive, but we were able to welcome old friends and strangers, which is what Christmas is all about.

Our fairly traditional pattern of readings and music (pew sheet at this link) included three poems that we commend to everyone: Do not be afraid (Liz Crumlish), Kenosis (Luci Shaw) and The sceptical shepherd (Godfrey Rust).

In all twenty musicians and readers from both congregations were involved: grateful thanks to all the willing and enthusiastic volunteers, to our ministers, whose garb showed a commitment to the spirit of Christmas, and to Mario Cassini for providing the photos.

Thank you too to those who gave towards the work of the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland and Action for Children. The total given to date is £267.60, but it will be more than that, as some folk always take envelopes and give later.

In response to the rapid spread of the omicron variant, we encourage everyone to take a lateral flow test before coming to church, and we have reintroduced the one-way system within the Church building. Hand sanitisers continue to be available, and the wearing of face-masks is obligatory, except when actually leading worship. The fire exit and the swing doors of the church will remain open during services for ventilation, so you might like to think in advance of this when choosing what to wear! We will continue to record your attendance to meet our Test and Protect obligations, and ask for contact details if we don’t already have them.

Bishop Ian writes:

“The signing of the St Andrew Declaration by the SEC and the Church of Scotland is a historic moment in the lives of our two Churches. In many places in the Diocese, relationships between Episcopalian and Presbyterian congregations are already warm and positive, but the Declaration asks us all to go further. It is not yet a claim that we are in ‘full communion’ with each other, but it is a call for us actively to seek more ways to work and witness in communities throughout our country.

“So please come to the service if you can, on 30 November at 4.30pm in St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, or if you are unable to come please pray then and regularly for our two Churches and for our congregations all over Scotland”.

More information at this link, or click the image. You can download the order of service from that page, and there are links to join the service on-line through Facebook or YouTube.

On Sunday 21 November, a number of St Margaret’s members were in St Ninian’s Cathedral in Perth to celebrate the installation of four new Honorary Canons at a service of Evensong led by Bishop Ian Paton. The new Honorary Canons are the Rev Canon Celia Matthews, the Rev Canon Kenny Rathband, the Rev Canon Professor Trevor Hart, and Lay Canon Dr John Ferguson Smith (the first such appointment).

The service also celebrated the installation of the new Dean of the Diocese, the Very Rev Graham Taylor, while the Rev Canon Kenny Rathband and his wife, Ruth, were also honoured for his time as Dean from 2007 to 2021.

You can enjoy the whole service on the Diocesan YouTube channel:

This year, Rev Eddie Sykes is leading three Advent studies to help us in our preparation for Christ’s coming. Sessions are on Zoom on Thursday mornings at 10:30am, and last for just over an hour. If you haven’t have received the meeting details direct, please email Eddie at for an access code.

Everyone is warmly welcome to join with us – no previous Bible study experience is necessary – just bring a Bible, and perhaps a cup of coffee, and enjoy the conversation!

Our topics will be:

  • 2 December Preparing the Way (Luke 3:1–8)
  • 16 December Embodying God’s Love for Others (Luke 1:26–56)
  • 23 December God Sends the Church into the World (Luke 2:1–20)

Before each session Eddie will email you a reminder of the joining instructions and some study material. The study material will also be linked to this post.

Coming up …
  • 26 January 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 26 January 2025
    11:00 am Covenant Service with Holy Communion
  • 2 February 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 2 February 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist

More details at this link


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Regular services


0930 Sung Eucharist
1100 Methodist Worship

see What’s on
 for details and for other services