We are a small, friendly church with a Sunday attendance of about 20 and we are always looking for new members of all ages. So why not give us a try?
Every Sunday the Eucharist is celebrated at 9.30am using the 1982 Scottish Liturgy or variants and a variety of traditional and modern hymns. You are warmly invited to coffee in the Crush Hall after the morning service every Sunday.
There are occasional variations in this pattern of worship, and other services are held at appropriate times of the year, especially at Christmas and in Holy Week, so we encourage you to click this link for details, or use the “What’s on now” icon.
We have a small four-part choir that sings a setting and occasional anthems at the Sung Eucharist and leads the congregation in the hymn singing. The choir meets for practice in the Church Lounge on most Fridays from 7–8pm and would welcome new members who are able to attend services and practices on a regular basis. If you are interested, please contact Sue Masson (phone 01383 824887 or email susan.masson@btinternet.com).
As well as maintaining our own ministry, we contribute financially to our hosts and partners in the Methodist Church. Approximately 15% of our income goes to provide for the Bishop and all the costs of administering the diocese, and we contribute to the Bishop’s Annual Lent Appeal through retiring offerings. We also donate a proportion of our regular giving to charities, recent recipients being Transform Trade and Children’s Hospices Across Scotland (CHAS).