We operate with Rosyth Methodist Church under a “Local Ecumenical Partnership” (LEP), as described at this link, so we have some of our own activities, but many are shared.

Methodist services

Methodist worship is held each Sunday at 11.00am, led by ministers or local preachers from the Edinburgh and Forth Circuit. Sunday School and crèche facilities are provided during the service.

The 2nd Sunday of the month is for the Young Church. “Messy Church” starts at 9.00am in the Church Lounge with a family breakfast, after which the young children show their creative skills through craft activities linked to a biblical theme. We invite children under 12, who must be accompanied by an adult.

On the 4th Sunday the partners worship together, as you will see from this link.


Both churches, lay and clergy, work ecumenically with the other churches in Rosyth. We involve the wider community in our Sunday@Six worship, and join with the other churches in Rosyth in the Christmas Nativity event at Rosyth Parish Church.

The Church grows through looking outwards, so we have reflected further on this important part of our work at this link.

What we do together

Wednesday Fellowship is open to everyone, both men and women, and all are warmly welcomed. The Fellowship meets at 2.15pm in the Church Lounge from September to May except January, and is a friendly gathering. As well as a cup of tea, and a short time for devotion, there is usually a guest speaker. For more information contact Mary Kidd (01383 872332) or Sandra Young (01383 415021).

Bible Study forms an important part of our activities. A house group organised by Methodist members, but open to all, meets every fortnight to discuss and reflect on themes from the “Every Day with Jesus” Daily Bible, we share Lent studies with Holy Trinity, Dunfermline, and an ecumenical study group is held at Rosyth Parish Church, usually on the first Monday of each month, and weekly during Advent and Lent. Details and contacts for all these can be found in the current issue of our Newsletter on our Archive page.

Most months there is a Traidcraft stall in the Crush Hall on the 4th Sunday, immediately before and after the 11am service. Myra Tarr (01383 723989, or myra@mtarr.co.uk) will be happy to take orders.

Most Fridays, between 9:30am and 11:30am, Triangle Coffee Shop in the Crush Hall offers tea, coffee and home baking, plus an opportunity to chat. Gwyneth Kirby (01383 624779, or gmkirby@hotmail.com) is always pleased to hear from people who would like to join the rota for helping by preparing or serving food.

On the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:30pm, “Coffee, Cake and Crafts” meets in the Lounge. This is a monthly craft club run by Jean Hall and friends. Whether you want to learn how to crochet, make a quilt, stitch a handbag, decorate a birthday card or just enjoy ‘playing’ – this is the group for you. All are welcome, especially those who are not available in the afternoons.

We are involved in the work of the Foodbank that operates from Rosyth Parish Church, and support Christian Aid by representation on the Rosyth local committee and by participating in local fund-raising functions. For further details on Christian Aid, contact Jan Benvie (01383 410632, or jbenvie@yahoo.co.uk).

Community use of the church premises

The church premises are well used throughout the week, both during the day and in the evening, and include hirings as well as church activities. Full details at this link.

Coming up …
  • 7 March 2025
    2:00 pm World Day of Prayer 2025
  • 9 March 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 9 March 2025
    11:00 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion
  • 16 March 2025
    9:30 am Sung Eucharist

More details at this link


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Regular services


0930 Sung Eucharist
1100 Methodist Worship

see What’s on
 for details and for other services