Below you’ll find the headers of some recent posts from the Facebook page to which members of our Local Ecumenical Partnership contribute – click “See More” or the Facebook link at the end to show the whole post. And do please visit (and like/follow!) our Facebook page by clicking the icon in the right-hand column of the page.
A Statement from the Methodist Church in Britain in response to the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury: In light of the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury following the Makin Review into abuses by the late John Smyth QC, the Methodist Church in Britain joins others in praying for all those affected by abuse. Survivors have been courageous in speaking of their experience and in calling the Churches to account and we hope humbly to continue to learn from them. We are covenant partners with the Church of England, an anniversary we marked last week. Dr Welby has done much to strengthen the partnership between our denominations and we pray for the continuation of this work and for those who will discern who should be the next Archbishop of Canterbury. We are committed to developing our shared understanding and desire for good safeguarding practice at every level of our churches.A prayer:Loving God, we ask your forgiveness for the times when in your Church we have failed to protect the vulnerable; we pray for your healing for those who have been hurt and for those who live with guilt and regret; and we ask for your wisdom and direction as we seek to keep safe all your children, in the name of Christ. Amen. ... See MoreSee Less
Yes, we are aware that Fair Trade Fortnight ( is over for another year, but the need to support the poorest in our world hasn't gone away, so we wanted to let you know that Myra will be running her Fair Trade stall at the church next Sunday (29 September) after both services (10:30–10:55am and 12n–).The usual selection of coffee, tea and chocolate in all forms, plus a selection of rice and pasta. Everything is sold at cost price, and usually with a discount, so please bring plenty of change (or your cheque book). ... See MoreSee Less
Our friends at Forthview Church @ Rosyth (the new name for the Parish Church indicating its other linked churches) are inviting everyone to a "United in Worship Evening" on Thursday 12 September from 7.30–9.00pm in Rosyth Parish Church. This will be led by Phoenix Lane, a local group who use the church hall to rehearse throughout the year and have previously held a worship evening at the church. ... See MoreSee Less