As Liz Crumlish says in her introduction to the booklet that we quote from in Take time to reflect: “A colleague posted on social media last year that Lent felt like the Lentiest Lent we’d ever Lented! Somehow, that is even truer this year, a full year and more into a global pandemic.” So you’ll find that we are not alone in suggesting that, instead of planning to give something up as a Lenten spiritual discipline, you should plan to take something up instead. There are lots of good things on offer –
Locally-based studies, at all of which you’ll be made most welcome. Click the links for further details:
- On Mondays at 7:00pm, the Rosyth Ecumenical Lent Study Group
- On Tuesdays at 7:00pm, Jan Benvie leads St Margaret’s/Holy Trinity studies with an environmental bias
- On Thursdays, mostly at 10:30am, Eddie Sykes leads Five Bible Studies for Lent based around a familiar hymn
Other ideas for reading and listening include:
- Living through Lent, a booklet of daily reflections for Lent 2021 by Liz Crumlish that you can download at this link
- The Church of England’s #LiveLent daily reflection emails, for which you can sign up at this link
- Ecumenical daily readings and weekly talks for Lent on John’s Gospel at this link
- CTBI’s “Lent study for these unorthodox and strange times” at this link
- The Journey meditations offered by Taketime
And an action project – if you consider yourself part of the Church of the Future, the Diocese offer a challenge for you to share your ideas for a carbon-neutral church – details and an entry form at this link.
Please email other ideas for Lenten study to