Events in November 2020

SunSunday MonMonday TueTuesday WedWednesday ThuThursday FriFriday SatSaturday
1 November 2020(4 events)

Category: Worship in person (COVID-compliant) Said Eucharist

Said Eucharist

1 November 2020

All Saints

Very Rev Kenny Rathband

Our readings are: Isaiah 56.3-8; Hebrews 12.18-24; Matthew 5.1-12

This is our fortnightly COVID-compliant eucharist in the church. It will be a short service (around 40 minutes), and there will be no hymns, no physical contact during the Peace, no offering, and just the bread given to you as you take a distanced communion. but we hope that you will find blessing from this time of worship as we gather in person.

Please note that, for the time being, as we work through the practicalities of worshipping together in a COVID-secure way, we’re asking everyone who intends to attend worship to contact Sandra Young beforehand.

Category: Worship Methodist Zoom Worship

Methodist Zoom Worship

1 November 2020

An informal on-line time of worship held using the Zoom platform. Details at this link include how to get access information.

Category: Worship elsewhere Streamed from Holy Trinity

Streamed from Holy Trinity

1 November 2020

Join the congregation at Holy Trinity, Dunfermline on their YouTube channel for a Eucharist conducted in isolation at Holy Trinity by the Very Rev Kenny Rathband. More information, including a link to the on-line service sheet on their Home Page.

Category: Worship Remembrance Service

Remembrance Service

1 November 2020

An on-line time of worship led by Rev Eddie Sykes held using the Zoom platform.

2 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

2 November 2020

The Ecumenical Study Group are currently looking at St Paul and his various letters by Zoom.  The group is very relaxed and we aren’t afraid to ask questions and different opinions are heard.

If you would like to join us please contact Alan Taylor who will be happy to provide further details.

3 November 2020
4 November 2020
5 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Autumn Bible Study

Autumn Bible Study

5 November 2020

The fourth in our fortnightly studies of the book of Esther, as announced in this post. Each Zoom meeting includes a time of sharing at the beginning, and finishes at about 11:40am. To take part, please email Eddie at for an access code.

This week: Plots, Parades and Providence (Esther 5:9–6:14)

6 November 2020
7 November 2020
8 November 2020(3 events)

Category: Worship Methodist Zoom Worship

Methodist Zoom Worship

8 November 2020

An informal on-line time of worship held using the Zoom platform. Details at this link include how to get access information.

Category: Worship in person (COVID-compliant) Morning Worship for Remembrance Sunday

Morning Worship for Remembrance Sunday

8 November 2020

Rev Eddie Sykes

This is the next in our series of fortnightly Methodist Morning Worship services in the church.

Please note that, as we work through the practicalities of worshipping together in a COVID-secure way, we’ll still be asking everyone who intends to attend worship to email either David Salthouse or Eddie Sykes by 6:00pm on the Saturday before.

Category: Worship elsewhere Streamed from Holy Trinity

Streamed from Holy Trinity

8 November 2020

Join the congregation at Holy Trinity, Dunfermline on their YouTube channel for a Eucharist conducted by the Very Rev Kenny Rathband. More information, including a link to the on-line service sheet on their Home Page.

9 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

9 November 2020

The Ecumenical Study Group are currently looking at St Paul and his various letters by Zoom.  The group is very relaxed and we aren’t afraid to ask questions and different opinions are heard.

If you would like to join us please contact Alan Taylor who will be happy to provide further details.

10 November 2020
11 November 2020
12 November 2020
13 November 2020
14 November 2020
15 November 2020(3 events)

Category: Worship in person (COVID-compliant) Said Eucharist

Said Eucharist

15 November 2020

St Margaret

Very Rev Kenny Rathband

Our readings are: Proverbs 31.10-13, 25-31; 2 Timothy 1.1-7; Luke 11. 33-36

This is our fortnightly COVID-compliant eucharist in the church. It will be a short service (around 40 minutes), and there will be no hymns, no physical contact during the Peace, no offering, and just the bread given to you as you take a distanced communion. but we hope that you will find blessing from this time of worship as we gather in person.

Please note that, for the time being, as we work through the practicalities of worshipping together in a COVID-secure way, we’re asking everyone who intends to attend worship to contact Sandra Young beforehand.

Category: Worship Methodist Zoom Worship

Methodist Zoom Worship

15 November 2020

An informal on-line time of worship held using the Zoom platform. Details at this link include how to get access information.

Category: Worship elsewhere Streamed from Holy Trinity

Streamed from Holy Trinity

15 November 2020

Join the congregation at Holy Trinity, Dunfermline on their YouTube channel for a Eucharist conducted by the Very Rev Kenny Rathband. More information, including a link to the on-line service sheet on their Home Page.

16 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

16 November 2020

The Advent Ecumenial Study Group starts a 6 week journey on Monday 16 November.The theme is the book "Candles in the Dark" by David Adams. They have used this before, but felt it was easier in the current circumstances. Everyone will have their own Jesse Tree visible during the call (even if it is a branch from the garden) and each week they will be adding a symbol to the tree which means something personally to them.

Usual Monday night at 7pm via Zoom - please contact Morag Crawford or Alan Taylor for the link to Zoom if you wish to join. Everyone is most welcome.

17 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Admin meetings St Margaret's Vestry (by Zoom)

St Margaret's Vestry (by Zoom)

17 November 2020

There will be a short Vestry meeting by Zoom at 5.30pm.

18 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Admin meetings Area Council meeting (Zoom)

Area Council meeting (Zoom)

18 November 2020

The autumn meeting  of the St Andrews West Fife Area Council due to take place at St Margarets, Rosyth, will now be held by Zoom at 7.30pm.

The West Fife Area Council is inviting people  from ae from across the diocese to join them with Speaker, the Rev Gerry Dillon(Glenrothes and Lochgelly) talking on 'The Churches Response to the Holocaust'. The room will be open from 7.20 and the talk will begin at 7.30. It will take about 45 minutes and there will be an opportunity for questions at the end.

Please advise the Rev'd Canon Christine Fraser ( of anyone interested so that we can send out an invite.

19 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Autumn Bible Study

Autumn Bible Study

19 November 2020

The fifth in our fortnightly studies of the book of Esther, as announced in this post. Each Zoom meeting includes a time of sharing at the beginning, and finishes at about 11:40am. To take part, please email Eddie at for an access code.

This week: Counterplots and Counter-edicts (Esther 7:1–8:17)

20 November 2020
21 November 2020
22 November 2020(3 events)

Category: Worship Methodist Zoom Worship

Methodist Zoom Worship

22 November 2020

An informal on-line time of worship held using the Zoom platform. Details at this link include how to get access information.

Category: Worship in person (COVID-compliant) Morning Worship

Morning Worship

22 November 2020

Christ the King (Sunday before Advent)

Rev Eddie Sykes

This is the next in our series of fortnightly Methodist Morning Worship services in the church.

Please note that, as we work through the practicalities of worshipping together in a COVID-secure way, we’ll still be asking everyone who intends to attend worship to email either David Salthouse or Eddie Sykes by 6:00pm on the Saturday before.

Category: Worship elsewhere Streamed from Holy Trinity

Streamed from Holy Trinity

22 November 2020

Join the congregation at Holy Trinity, Dunfermline on their YouTube channel for a Eucharist conducted by the Very Rev Kenny Rathband. More information, including a link to the on-line service sheet on their Home Page.

23 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

23 November 2020

This is week 2 of  a 6 week journey. The theme is the book "Candles in the Dark" by David Adams. They have used this before, but felt it was easier in the current circumstances. Everyone will have their own Jesse Tree visible during the call (even if it is a branch from the garden) and each week they will be adding a symbol to the tree which means something personally to them.Usual Monday night at 7pm via Zoom - please contact Morag Crawford or Alan Taylor for the link to Zoom if you wish to join. Everyone is most welcome.

24 November 2020
25 November 2020
26 November 2020(1 event)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Autumn Bible Study

Autumn Bible Study

26 November 2020

The last in our fortnightly studies of the book of Esther, as announced in this post. Each Zoom meeting includes a time of sharing at the beginning, and finishes at about 11:40am. To take part, please email Eddie at for an access code.

This week: Duelling Degrees and Purim Parties (Esther 9:1–10:3)

27 November 2020
28 November 2020
29 November 2020(4 events)

Category: Worship in person (COVID-compliant) Said Eucharist

Said Eucharist

29 November 2020

1st Sunday of Advent

Very Rev Kenny Rathband

Our readings are: Isaiah 64.1-9; 1 Corinthians 1.3-9; Mark 13.24-37

This is our fortnightly COVID-compliant eucharist in the church. It will be a short service (around 35 minutes), and there will be no hymns, no physical contact during the Peace, no offering, no congregational participation in the service, and just the bread given to you as you take a distanced communion. but we hope that you will find blessing from this time of worship as we gather in person.

Please note that, for the time being, as we work through the practicalities of worshipping together in a COVID-secure way, we’re asking everyone who intends to attend worship to contact Sandra Young beforehand.

Category: Worship Methodist Zoom Worship

Methodist Zoom Worship

29 November 2020

An informal on-line time of worship held using the Zoom platform. Details at this link include how to get access information.

Category: Worship elsewhere Streamed from Holy Trinity

Streamed from Holy Trinity

29 November 2020

Join the congregation at Holy Trinity, Dunfermline on their YouTube channel for a Eucharist conducted by the Very Rev Kenny Rathband. More information, including a link to the on-line service sheet on their Home Page.

Category: Worship Hanging of the Greens

Hanging of the Greens

29 November 2020

A special service for Advent Sunday held using the Zoom platform. The details at this link include how to get access information.

30 November 2020(2 events)

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Advent Bible Study

Advent Bible Study

30 November 2020

A weekly study on Advent themes, led by Rev Eddie Sykes. Each Zoom meeting includes a time of sharing at the beginning, and finishes at about 11:40am. To take part, please email Eddie at for an access code.

Category: Study, discussion and prayer Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

Advent Ecumenical Study Group (Zoom)

30 November 2020

This is week 3 of a 6 week journey. The theme is the book "Candles in the Dark" by David Adams.  Everyone will have their own Jesse Tree visible during the call (even if it is a branch from the garden) and each week they will be adding a symbol to the tree which means something personally to them.Usual Monday night at 7pm via Zoom - please contact Morag Crawford or Alan Taylor for the link to Zoom if you wish to join. Everyone is most welcome.

1 December 2020
2 December 2020
3 December 2020
4 December 2020
5 December 2020

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